[page:Material] → [page:MeshStandardMaterial] →


An extension of the [page:MeshStandardMaterial], providing more advanced physically-based rendering properties:

As a result of these complex shading features, MeshPhysicalMaterial has a higher performance cost, per pixel, than other three.js materials. Most effects are disabled by default, and add cost as they are enabled. For best results, always specify an [page:.envMap environment map] when using this material.


[example:webgl_loader_gltf_anisotropy loader / gltf / anisotropy]
[example:webgl_materials_physical_clearcoat materials / physical / clearcoat]
[example:webgl_loader_gltf_iridescence loader / gltf / iridescence]
[example:webgl_loader_gltf_sheen loader / gltf / sheen]
[example:webgl_materials_physical_transmission materials / physical / transmission]


[name]( [param:Object parameters] )

[page:Object parameters] - (optional) an object with one or more properties defining the material's appearance. Any property of the material (including any property inherited from [page:Material] and [page:MeshStandardMaterial]) can be passed in here.

The exception is the property [page:Hexadecimal color], which can be passed in as a hexadecimal string and is `0xffffff` (white) by default. [page:Color.set]( color ) is called internally.


See the base [page:Material] and [page:MeshStandardMaterial] classes for common properties.

[property:Float anisotropy]

The anisotropy strength. Default is `0.0`.

[property:Texture anisotropyMap]

Red and green channels represent the anisotropy direction in `[-1, 1]` tangent, bitangent space, to be rotated by [page:.anisotropyRotation]. The blue channel contains strength as `[0, 1]` to be multiplied by [page:.anisotropy]. Default is `null`.

[property:Float anisotropyRotation]

The rotation of the anisotropy in tangent, bitangent space, measured in radians counter-clockwise from the tangent. When [page:.anisotropyMap] is present, this property provides additional rotation to the vectors in the texture. Default is `0.0`.

[property:Color attenuationColor]

The color that white light turns into due to absorption when reaching the attenuation distance. Default is `white` (0xffffff).

[property:Float attenuationDistance]

Density of the medium given as the average distance that light travels in the medium before interacting with a particle. The value is given in world space units, and must be greater than zero. Default is `Infinity`.

[property:Float clearcoat]

Represents the intensity of the clear coat layer, from `0.0` to `1.0`. Use clear coat related properties to enable multilayer materials that have a thin translucent layer over the base layer. Default is `0.0`.

[property:Texture clearcoatMap]

The red channel of this texture is multiplied against [page:.clearcoat], for per-pixel control over a coating's intensity. Default is `null`.

[property:Texture clearcoatNormalMap]

Can be used to enable independent normals for the clear coat layer. Default is `null`.

[property:Vector2 clearcoatNormalScale]

How much [page:.clearcoatNormalMap] affects the clear coat layer, from `(0,0)` to `(1,1)`. Default is `(1,1)`.

[property:Float clearcoatRoughness]

Roughness of the clear coat layer, from `0.0` to `1.0`. Default is `0.0`.

[property:Texture clearcoatRoughnessMap]

The green channel of this texture is multiplied against [page:.clearcoatRoughness], for per-pixel control over a coating's roughness. Default is `null`.

[property:Object defines]

An object of the form: { 'STANDARD': '', 'PHYSICAL': '', }; This is used by the [page:WebGLRenderer] for selecting shaders.

[property:Float dispersion]

Defines the strength of the angular separation of colors (chromatic aberration) transmitting through a relatively clear volume. Any value zero or larger is valid, the typical range of realistic values is `[0, 1]`. Default is `0` (no dispersion). This property can be only be used with transmissive objects, see [page:.transmission].

[property:Float ior]

Index-of-refraction for non-metallic materials, from `1.0` to `2.333`. Default is `1.5`.

[property:Float reflectivity]

Degree of reflectivity, from `0.0` to `1.0`. Default is `0.5`, which corresponds to an index-of-refraction of 1.5.
This models the reflectivity of non-metallic materials. It has no effect when [page:MeshStandardMaterial.metalness metalness] is `1.0`

[property:Float iridescence]

The intensity of the [link:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iridescence iridescence] layer, simulating RGB color shift based on the angle between the surface and the viewer, from `0.0` to `1.0`. Default is `0.0`.

[property:Texture iridescenceMap]

The red channel of this texture is multiplied against [page:.iridescence], for per-pixel control over iridescence. Default is `null`.

[property:Float iridescenceIOR]

Strength of the iridescence RGB color shift effect, represented by an index-of-refraction. Between `1.0` to `2.333`. Default is `1.3`.

[property:Array iridescenceThicknessRange]

Array of exactly 2 elements, specifying minimum and maximum thickness of the iridescence layer. Thickness of iridescence layer has an equivalent effect of the one [page:.thickness] has on [page:.ior]. Default is `[100, 400]`.
If [page:.iridescenceThicknessMap] is not defined, iridescence thickness will use only the second element of the given array.

[property:Texture iridescenceThicknessMap]

A texture that defines the thickness of the iridescence layer, stored in the green channel. Minimum and maximum values of thickness are defined by [page:.iridescenceThicknessRange] array:

Default is `null`.

[property:Float sheen]

The intensity of the sheen layer, from `0.0` to `1.0`. Default is `0.0`.

[property:Float sheenRoughness]

Roughness of the sheen layer, from `0.0` to `1.0`. Default is `1.0`.

[property:Texture sheenRoughnessMap]

The alpha channel of this texture is multiplied against [page:.sheenRoughness], for per-pixel control over sheen roughness. Default is `null`.

[property:Color sheenColor]

The sheen tint. Default is `0x000000`, black.

[property:Texture sheenColorMap]

The RGB channels of this texture are multiplied against [page:.sheenColor], for per-pixel control over sheen tint. Default is `null`.

[property:Float specularIntensity]

A float that scales the amount of specular reflection for non-metals only. When set to zero, the model is effectively Lambertian. From `0.0` to `1.0`. Default is `1.0`.

[property:Texture specularIntensityMap]

The alpha channel of this texture is multiplied against [page:.specularIntensity], for per-pixel control over specular intensity. Default is `null`.

[property:Color specularColor]

A [page:Color] that tints the specular reflection at normal incidence for non-metals only. Default is `0xffffff`, white.

[property:Texture specularColorMap]

The RGB channels of this texture are multiplied against [page:.specularColor], for per-pixel control over specular color. Default is `null`.

[property:Float thickness]

The thickness of the volume beneath the surface. The value is given in the coordinate space of the mesh. If the value is `0` the material is thin-walled. Otherwise the material is a volume boundary. Default is `0`.

[property:Texture thicknessMap]

A texture that defines the thickness, stored in the green channel. This will be multiplied by [page:.thickness]. Default is `null`.

[property:Float transmission]

Degree of transmission (or optical transparency), from `0.0` to `1.0`. Default is `0.0`.
Thin, transparent or semitransparent, plastic or glass materials remain largely reflective even if they are fully transmissive. The transmission property can be used to model these materials.
When transmission is non-zero, [page:Material.opacity opacity] should be set to `1`.

[property:Texture transmissionMap]

The red channel of this texture is multiplied against [page:.transmission], for per-pixel control over optical transparency. Default is `null`.


See the base [page:Material] and [page:MeshStandardMaterial] classes for common methods.


[link:https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/blob/master/src/[path].js src/[path].js]